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About our company

Why we created Card Genie and where we're headed.

A pile of gift cards on a table

Market Size

The U.S. Gift Card Market is large, and the global is larger.


Annual Growth

The U.S. Gift Card Market is on the rise, and fast.


Unused Gift Cards

Americans are wasting a lot of gift cards.

Our mission

At Card Genie, we strive to create a seamless gift card experience by providing a way to easily track, use, and share gift cards. We envision a future where using gift cards is an effortless part of the consumer experience.

The founder of Card Genie at a pitch competition in Tampa, FL.
The Founder of Card Genie at a Pitch Competition in Muncie, IN.

Meet our team

The team behind Card Genie is using their years of experience in Fintech, startups, as well as product design, to develop the solution and bring it to market.

Investors & Partners

We're incredibly grateful to be backed by wonderful organizations both in Indiana and across the United States.